Going pro or become a college student-athlete? -

Going pro or become a college student-athlete?

April 15 2019

High school graduation: Check! Strong passion for sports? Check! Kind of interested in an academic career? Check!

Going pro is a tough decision but focusing totally on sports might be the way to go to close the gap to other competitors. Travels, international matches, and camps – all those activities require 100% dedication. Because the way to the top is not easy.

Some players are just 18 years old when graduating from high school, young and wild and free in their decision what to do next. It’s tempting to get out there and start working out professionally.

But what if there is another way?

College sports in the USA offers the opportunity of dual career, allowing you to combine both your academic and athletic career.

How does it work? Coaches from colleges all over the states are looking for talents to build up strong teams. Financed by scholarships, players enjoy high-quality facilities & training but also receive education and finally an internationally accepted degree in exchange for their performance on the court. Sounds like a lot of tasks to complete? Yes! Time management skills are required, but schools are very responsive in helping you organize your schedule, with a clear bonus for the athletic side.

After 4 years of growing both personally and athletically, players still have full options to choose their future path. Many tennis players take advantage of getting extra input and the highly competitive team setting before deciding to go pro after their university degree.

A good solution for everyone willing to give the professional career a shot. Take in mind, most of you are only 22 years when graduating with an undergraduate study in your back pocket. That’s not too late to start going for the stars.

Some success stories of Romy Kölzer, Kevin Anderson, John Isner are just a few examples of former student-athletes going pro after college graduation.

Senior Recruiter Sandy Franz, former college tennis player himself, gives some helpful advice to the young tennis world out there.

“Did you know that out of the current top 300 male tennis players in the world 22 players in singles and 32 players in doubles are current or former college tennis players?

Kevin Anderson (University of Illinois) and John Isner (University of Georgia) are former college tennis players currently ranked in the top 10 in singles. from my experience, it is not as common for international players to take advantage of the US college tennis system as a stepping stone to become a professional tennis player.
Am I suggesting that US college tennis is the right or best path in becoming a professional tennis player for each individual? The answer is no! however, I do believe with the new transition tour and the opportunity US college tennis offers, that families and talented tennis players should certainly consider the path of college tennis as one opportunity to reach the long-term goal of professional tennis? The answer is yes! Before you commit after high school that you want to play only professional tennis, please get a free consultation to discuss the option of college tennis in the US. Players are able to take an official visit, check out colleges/universities, and talk to coaches. After you checked out all the options, then I believe the family and the player are able to take a well-thought-through decision to accomplish the long-term goal.”

What about you? Have you ever thought about going pro? Or becoming a student-athlete at a US college?

Visit our website and fill out the free recruiting questionnaire or chat with one of our experts to ask for your individual solution.