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“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” –Michael Jordan

A quote, that can not only be applied to any sports team, but also to every working place. You can offer good service, but the perfect service is only possible if the team’s chemistry and teamwork is on point. Which is why we at uniexperts try to work on team chemistry as much as we can.  

On February the 13th, we had a whole day dedicated to our team. Organized by the leaders of uniexperts, we sat together to talk about the future of the company and our goals for 2020. Later that day, we competed in teams in Buddy Bash. 

8:30: The uniexperts team meets up at the office in Cologne, including Thorsten Bertsch coming over from Mannheim and Harrison Fowler via video call from Spain. Everything is prepared together until we are ready to start. 

9:00: We start with the first group session, talking about the structure of uniexperts, an indepth discussion about everyone’s tasks, and how everything is working out at the moment. 

12:00: After a long first session, we order lunch to the office, to gain strength for the rest of the day. Of course, only healthy food! 

13:00: Our second session of the day starts. Stefan Wirtz and Roger Thiele, two of the three founders of uniexperts, talk us through their opinion of uniexpert’s current situation and our goals for 2020 and onwards. Also, Sandy Franz joins us via video call from the United States, after he got up in the morning. 

We are all really excited about the next months, as we got a lot planned and another huge Tennis Showcase in July. The team is set up perfectly for the upcoming challenges. 

15:00: Once all the talk is done, we get ready to drive to Buddy Bash in Dellbrück, Cologne.  

16:00: We start our Buddy Bash adventure. Buddy Bash is a game area, with tons of mini-games for group activities. For the German readers, it is essentially like “Schlag den Raab”. Funny coincidence: our intern, that will be starting in April, is working at Buddy Bash, so we already had the chance to meet her. 

We split up our group of 9 people into two teams:  

Team Stefan: Stefan Wirtz, Lukas Kimpel, Paul Wiederspahn, Christoph Schäfer 

Team Roger: Roger Thiele, Nina Reiter, Fostino Mifuba, Mirka Brunk, Thorsten Bertsch 

We compete in 11 different games, and as if scripted, the last game decides the winner of the uniexperts Buddy Bash – Team Stefan!  

19:00: An exhausted uniexperts team goes their separate ways to get home. What an experience we had today! We really worked on teamwork and chemistry today and face the new challenges as an even closer unit than before. And of course, thanks to uniexperts for offering us such a great day.


The 6th College Tennis Showcase edition presented by VAN STRAATEN took place about two weeks ago and we had time to process what happened and take a look back at the event – the whole team says “THANK YOU” to everyone involved for making this event an unforgettable one!

Players, coaches, parents, and sponsors are all responsible for the success of the Showcase! We were very happy to have you all.

With more than 112 players attending the Showcase, the 43 coaches had a lot of tennis to watch with more than 200 matches played during the two match days.

This year’s event and match format gave players and coaches the opportunity to talk to the participants of their interest. Players have been able to approach the coach of their interest on Friday, while coaches had the opportunity to book an appointment with players on Sunday during the official coaches’ talks.

Friday got colorful!

With one of our main sponsors being BIDI BADU this year, we had the players fitted out with BIDI BADU shirts in three different colors (depending on when they wanted to go to the US) making it easy for coaches to recognize them and great to look at!

On top of that, Bidi Badu got us, team members, all the clothing necessary for the Showcase (Big thanks for that BIDI BADU)!

Saturday everyone played an official UTR rated tournament. Players have been able to secure themselves important rating points for their UTR Rating.

As in the year before there was a lot going on at the Showcase location – at this point we would like to thank the great team of the TC Weiden and Walls – Der Padelfaktor for their help and providing us this beautiful location.

We had many presentations by our amazing sponsors and some team members during both Friday and Saturday, giving everyone in attendance a wide spectrum of information on preparing for College Tennis physically, mentally, and also academically.

During Q&A-Sessions with current College Athletes and coaches, players and parents were able to ask whatever was on their mind in regards to College Tennis.

Whenever players had some time to spare, they had the chance to chill in the Player’s Corner or at the BIDI Badu Lounge, play Nintendo Switch, table tennis or darts, learn more about their personality with Neuro4Sports or take great pictures at the Social Media Corner.

Additionally, the player’s party powered by BIDI BADU on Saturday and a Coaches BBQ on Friday returned. The Alumni Banquet also took place on Saturday, honoring former and current student-athletes and talk about their College experience.

Check out the great pictures from the Showcase in our GALLERY. Thank you Foto Taubert for capturing these moments.

To the players, we wish good luck for all the future endeavors! And, of course, good luck to the coaches going into their next season and hopefully you will enjoy your future recruits!

Thank you for an amazing event!

Your uniexperts Team

There is a lot of doubt circulating concerning the idea of playing #collegetennis. What is true and what is not? Here you find the 1st part of our myth buster stories about college sports.

Do you agree? Or did you collect the opposite experience? If you haven’t made any experiences yet, no worries. We get you ready for your college adventure in the USA!

Make sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter if you are interested in more news & updates about the college sports world. SIGN UP

Myth#1: American colleges are too expensive.

Truth: The costs of studying in America are often hard to afford. That’s why it’s a huge opportunity to get a scholarship. Divisions I and II schools provide more than $3 billion in athletic scholarships annually to more than 150,000 student-athletes.

Myth#2: Study in the US is a waste of time because the bachelor’s degree is not accepted back in your home country.

Truth: Your bachelor’s degree is internationally accepted, so you probably won’t have any complications back in your home country (Exceptions might apply for the study of law and medicine). Furthermore, you make international connections and you become a more independent person, which will help you in your future career while polishing your language skills. Quite a good deal, isn’t it?

Myth#3: You do not play enough matches in college tennis.

Truth: During the fall semester you play in your so-called off-season individual tournaments in singles and doubles. In the spring semester, you play almost 20-25 team matches in your region and around the country. College sports is THE way to get in some practical match experience. Many players benefit from a highly competitive environment and drastically improve their performance level.

Myth#4: College sport has no value and recognition in the US.

Truth: College sport in the US provides the stepping-stone to professional sports. The universities provide excellent facilities and possibilities to develop your full potential. Most college basketball and football games are broadcasted live on TV, even the college tennis NCAA Championships are broadcasted live on television. For other sports, there are live streams available. So: Make sure you are styled when the spotlight is on you!

Myth#5: It is hard to make friends in the US because Americans are superficial.

Truth: Wrong, there are many international students you get to know along your journey, so you learn more about foreign cultures and religions. Team spirit is a big deal in the US, so no worries, you will make great friendships.

The right mindset is, next to skill, the most important aspect of being an athlete, but also as a student. A college athlete should combine those mindsets to achieve your goals in both areas. Since you might be facing these challenges soon, we tried to give you an overview of how that mindset should look like.


Never lose your focus on the goals you have set before the start of your US adventure. No matter what these goals might be, keep them as a main priority. You will still have the time and opportunity to just enjoy life in the US, but always remember that you made it there for a reason.


One of the most important aspects of a #sportscholarship is the fact that you don’t have to decide whether you want to further your athletic career or your academic career – you can do both. And so you should! It might seem like a lot at the start but keeping a balance will be really important. Concentrating on both and not setting your priorities on one career only will leave you with more options for the future and ultimately prepare you for many outcomes. Time management skills are key.

Open Mind

To study outside of your home country, you have to at least be a bit open-minded anyways. But it is really important to be as open-minded as possible. Waiting for you in the US will be a new culture, new experiences, new friends, and completely new surroundings. You need to be ready to adapt to these changes. It can be overwhelming at the start, but the time you will have in the US could be an unforgettable one, if you allow it.

Team Player & College Athlete

The team you will play with consists of more than just teammates – they are friends. You will not only share the Tennis court and training rooms with them as you might in your home country. You might also live together, study together, and spend your free time together. So, the key to being happy in your #collegeteam will be a good relationship with your teammates.

On top of that, you also represent the college itself. Wear the colors and the gear with pride, as the other athletes will do so. And support other teams from your college, because colleges are more than just a few teams playing on the same ground, they are family.

The obvious one – Do not give up!

Like with a lot of your future endeavors, it might not always be easy. This also goes for becoming a #collegeathlete and receiving your degree. The path will come with some hurdles and you might struggle at some point. It is important to keep all of the points above in mind to overcome these struggles. If you keep your mind focused and create yourself a positive surrounding, giving up will not be an option. You will not only be able to overcome your issues but turn them into even bigger achievements or experiences until you finally have a degree to your name.

Keep it up!

Stay tuned for more updates about the life of #studentathletes in the US!

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High school graduation: Check! Strong passion for sports? Check! Kind of interested in an academic career? Check!

Going pro is a tough decision but focusing totally on sports might be the way to go to close the gap to other competitors. Travels, international matches, and camps – all those activities require 100% dedication. Because the way to the top is not easy.

Some players are just 18 years old when graduating from high school, young and wild and free in their decision what to do next. It’s tempting to get out there and start working out professionally.

But what if there is another way?

College sports in the USA offers the opportunity of dual career, allowing you to combine both your academic and athletic career.

How does it work? Coaches from colleges all over the states are looking for talents to build up strong teams. Financed by scholarships, players enjoy high-quality facilities & training but also receive education and finally an internationally accepted degree in exchange for their performance on the court. Sounds like a lot of tasks to complete? Yes! Time management skills are required, but schools are very responsive in helping you organize your schedule, with a clear bonus for the athletic side.

After 4 years of growing both personally and athletically, players still have full options to choose their future path. Many tennis players take advantage of getting extra input and the highly competitive team setting before deciding to go pro after their university degree.

A good solution for everyone willing to give the professional career a shot. Take in mind, most of you are only 22 years when graduating with an undergraduate study in your back pocket. That’s not too late to start going for the stars.

Some success stories of Romy Kölzer, Kevin Anderson, John Isner are just a few examples of former student-athletes going pro after college graduation.

Senior Recruiter Sandy Franz, former college tennis player himself, gives some helpful advice to the young tennis world out there.

“Did you know that out of the current top 300 male tennis players in the world 22 players in singles and 32 players in doubles are current or former college tennis players?

Kevin Anderson (University of Illinois) and John Isner (University of Georgia) are former college tennis players currently ranked in the top 10 in singles. from my experience, it is not as common for international players to take advantage of the US college tennis system as a stepping stone to become a professional tennis player.
Am I suggesting that US college tennis is the right or best path in becoming a professional tennis player for each individual? The answer is no! however, I do believe with the new transition tour and the opportunity US college tennis offers, that families and talented tennis players should certainly consider the path of college tennis as one opportunity to reach the long-term goal of professional tennis? The answer is yes! Before you commit after high school that you want to play only professional tennis, please get a free consultation to discuss the option of college tennis in the US. Players are able to take an official visit, check out colleges/universities, and talk to coaches. After you checked out all the options, then I believe the family and the player are able to take a well-thought-through decision to accomplish the long-term goal.”

What about you? Have you ever thought about going pro? Or becoming a student-athlete at a US college?

Visit our website and fill out the free recruiting questionnaire or chat with one of our experts to ask for your individual solution.

Making decisions is tough. Especially when you are young.

Did I have a clue what to do after high school graduation?

To be honest, no I didn’t. Which direction do I want to go? What do I want to study? How can I combine my passion for sports and my desire to receive an academic degree?

No easy questions for an 18-year-old teenager.

“What are my favorite activities besides sports and school?”  I asked myself. “I like to travel and experience new cultures” Good. So, let’ resume: I like to study, focus on both my sporting and academic career, receive an international degree, and travel the world to make new friends from foreign cultures. That sounds like a plan. But how?

Then, I was introduced to the unlimited possibilities of #collegesports in the USA. “Wow. That is exactly what I am willing to do”, I thought.

This was the day I decided to become a college student-athlete in the USA.

When I look back, one of the best decisions I have made so far.

No worries if you haven’t made any plans for your future. Just focus on your passion to find out what you can and where you want to go.  Let the adventure begin!

Best wishes,

a college student once being in the same position you’re in now.

Everyone who loves the idea of playing College Tennis in the US asked him-/herself this question:

What is the life of a College Tennis Athlete about?

This blog entry takes a look behind the scenes.

A day in the life of a student-athlete starts with the thing most of us don’t enjoy – waking up. And it will probably be quite early, but with a lot of things to enjoy doing during the day getting up it is not that hard. When you’ve finally overcome the hurdle of getting out of bed, you will probably start your daily morning routine.

After that, you will either have your first classes or a training or gym session (this will depend on your schedule). You might also be able to enjoy the luxury of physio treatments. If it’s not classes, you will spend most of the time with your teammates.

Once finished, you will have the time to relax and eat lunch either alone or with your teammates. Again, depending on your schedule, it’s now time for classes or training.

When all the hard work is done, the rest of the day/evening belongs to you and whatever you want to use it for. You can choose from various activities offered by your university or find something yourself. As an example, you can go and see other sports teams at your university play and cheer them on, as they might do for you as well.

Your day will look completely different if you have to travel to an away game. Depending on how far away it is, you might have to “skip” a class (of course you will be allowed to do so since you are studying with a sports scholarship). You will most likely travel by bus, with the whole team, and in the evening / on the next day, the team will travel back home, hopefully with a win.

So who’s ready to rock his journey as student-athlete?

Stay tuned for more updates on the life of a college tennis player and check out the great video by Adam Gavin below! Also, check his account for more videos about College and College Sports.